Welcome to Kanbaninator for Joplin! Joplin is a note-taking app that lets you keep complete control of your data, and this app gives you a way to organize some of that data in a kanban-style board while ensuring you keep your data where it should stay: with you.
Setup: in Joplin, create an empty notebook that will be your 'base' for the board.
Kanbaninator uses the 'web clipper' service system that's built into Joplin to interact with your notes. On your desktop app, go to Tools > Options > Web Clipper, then enable the service if it isn't already enabled. You'll only need one thing here to get started: what is the port number displayed?
You should see a dialogue appear in your Joplin app asking if you want to authorize the Web Clipper connection; click "Grant Authorisation" to get started.
Here are the notebooks we can see. Which notebook is the root notebook for your kanban board?
If we don't detect a configuration note, we'll go ahead and create one.
Here are some premade story beats that you can use to get started! Select whichever suits your fancy.
The Hero's Journey is a narrative template that was developed by Joseph Campbell in his book The Hero with a Thousand Faces. It is a common template used in storytelling that involves a hero going on an adventure, facing and overcoming a crisis, and then returning home transformed.
In storytelling, the heroine's journey is a female-centric version of the hero's journey template developed and inspired by various authors who felt that the Hero's Journey did not fully encompass the journey that a female protagonist goes through in a story.
The three-act structure is a model used in narrative fiction that divides a story into three parts (acts), often called the Setup, the Confrontation, and the Resolution.
Save the Cat! is a screenwriting book by Blake Snyder that describes the classic story beats that most successful movies follow. It's a great template for structuring your story.
Romancing the Beat is a romance-specific story beat template developed by Gwen Hayes.
Jami Gold is a romance author who has developed a set of story beats specifically for romance novels.